What is Theosophy?


THEOS = “divine”   SOPHIA = “wisdom”


DIVINE WISDOM– a wisdom that transcends the worldly understanding that can be acquired through knowledge and experience. This wisdom resides within everyone, and Theosophical teachings aim to facilitate our connection to it.


Theosophy is a body of knowledge that offers insights about our place in the universe and the nature of the world. While this worldview agrees in many respects with scientific theories, it goes beyond them exploring the deeper realities that we all experience but often don’t understand. It addresses many questions that people have, such as:

  • What is the purpose of our existence?
  • Why is there suffering and injustice?
  • How can I have a purposeful and meaningful life?


Here are some insights from the Theosophical worldview and practical applications.


  • There is a single source of everything in the universe. At the root of our beings, we are one with all.
  • This source is conscious, intelligent, and eternal.
  • The Universe unfolds through cycles of evolution leading life to develop more expressive forms, more responsive awareness, and a more unified consciousness.
  • Human Evolution takes place by a process of Reincarnation, regulated by the law of Karma.
  • Natural laws govern everything in the cosmos, both on the physical & non-physical realms.



Divine wisdom can be awakened through the following:

  • Contemplative reading of abstract ideas and eternal truths.
  • Study of consciousness through self-observation in daily life, introspection, and development of a silent awareness.
  • Cultivation of an attitude of tolerance, compassion, & service to human & non-human beings.
  • The practice of meditation seeking to realize our true nature.