Bookstore Inventory

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Books For Sale

August 14, 2022
Aaron, Rabbi DavidThe Secret Life of God$12.00
Abdill, EdwardMasters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters and The Path$14.00
Abdill, EdwardThe Secret Gateway$9.00
Algeo, JohnTheosophy: An Introductory Study Course$9.004th edition
Algeo, JohnReincarnation Explored$4.00
Allen, JohnThe Healing Energy of Love$3.00
Amodeo, John, Ph.D.Dancing with Fire: A Mindful Way of Loving Relationships$10.00
Armstrong, CaroleWomen of the Bible$5.00
Aurobindo, SriThe Future Evolution of Man$2.00
Bailey, Alice A.The Destiny of Nations$11.00
Bailey, Alice A.From the Intellect to Intuition$12.00
Bailey, Alice A.The Externalization of the Hierarchy$22.00
Bailey, Alice A.Education in the New Age$11.00
Bailey, Alice A.Discipleship in the New Age$25.00volumes I & II
Bailey, Alice A.Esoteric Astrology$22.00
Bailey, Alice A.Letters on Occult Meditation$15.00
Barborka, GeoffreyThe Story of Human Evolution$10.00
Barnett, LarkinPractical Centering$9.50
Barnstone, W. & Meyer, MThe Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Text of Mystical Wisdom from the Ancient & Medieval Worlds$35.00
Bayda, EzraSaying Yes to Life$9.00
Bendit, L. and P.The Transforming Mind$3.00
Bendit, Laurence J.Self Knowledge: a yoga for the west$1.00
Besant, A. & Leadbeater, C.W.Talks on the Path of Occultism: At the Feet of the Master$11.25Vol. I ($33.75 for 3 volumes)
Besant, A. & Leadbeater, C.W.Talks on the Path of Occultism: The Voice of the Silence$11.25Vol. II ($33.75 for 3 volumes)
Besant, A. & Leadbeater, C.W.Talks on the Path of Occultism: Light on the Path$11.25Vol. III ($33.75 for 3 volumes)
Besant, AnnieAn Introduction to Yoga$4.00
Besant, AnnieFrom the Outer Court to the Inner Sanctum$3.00
Besant, AnnieInvisible World's: Annie Besant on Psychic and Spiritual Development$17.00Essays compiled by Kurt Leland
Beversluis, JoelA Sourcebook for the Community Religions$8.00
Bhikku, Ajhn Sumanothe brightened mind: a simple guide to Buddhist meditation$6.00
Blavatsky, H.P.Colected Writings$18.00Volumes II-IV
Blavatsky, H.P.The Voice of Silence$4.50miniature
Bolen, Jean Shinoda, MDGoddesses in Older Women: Archetypes in Women Over Fifty$13.00
Bower, Jody GentianJane Eyre's Sisters: How Women Live and Write the Heroine's Story$11.00
Boynes, Cyril H.Freedom Through the Balisier$3.00miniature
Brooke, ElizabethMedicine Women: A Pictorial History of Healing Women$12.00
Brown, ColestonMagical Christianity: The Power of Symbols for Spiritual Renewal$12.00
Brumet, RobertFinding Yourself in Transition$5.00
Budapest, Zsuzsanna EmeseThe Holy Book of Women's Mysteries$16.00
Burden, VirginiaThe Process of Intuition$3.00$2.00 - older
Cady, H. EmilyLessons in Truth$5.00
Caldwell, Christine, Ph.D.Getting in Touch: The Guide to New Body-Centered Therapies$12.00
Carter, RobertThe Tao and Mother Goose$4.00
Challoner, H.K.The Path of Healing: Finding Your Soul's Potential$6.00
Charles, LouiseJesus Religion: A Critical Examination of Christian Insanity$15.00
Chaudhuri, HaridasBeing, Evolution & Immortality$4.00
Chaudhuri, HaridasThe Evolution of Integral Consciousness$3.00
Chaudhuri, HaridasIntegral Yoga$2.00
Chicken Soup EnterprisesChicken Soup for the Mother's Soul$3.00
Chin, Jr., Vincente HaoThe Bible and the Ageless Wisdom$8.00
Codd, Clara M.The Ageless Wisdom of Life$2.50used
Cohen, J.M. & Phipps, J-F.The Common Experience$8.00
Collins, MabelThe Idyll of the White Lotus$1.25
Cooper, Irving S.Reincarnation: A Hope of the World$2.00
Cornell, JudithDrawing the Light From Within$14.00
Courtois, FloraAn Experience of Enlightenment$3.00miniature
Currie, DwightHow We Behave at the Feast: Reflections on Living in an Age of Plenty$8.00
Debenport, EllenThe Five Principles$5.00
Decker, RonaldThe Esoteric Tarot$14.00
diZerega, GusFault Lines$11.50
Dolan, JackI Wonder Who's in Charge$3.00
Dowding, MurielThe Psychic Life of Muriel, The Lady Dowding$3.00
Drosnin, MichaelThe Bible Code$13.45
Eaton, EvelynThe Shaman and the Medicine Wheel$7.00
Elkins, David N., Ph. D.Beyond Religion$12.50
Ellis, NormandiDreams of Isis$10.00
Ellis, NormandiFeasts of Light: Celebrations for the Seasons of Life$14.00
Ellwood, RobertFinding Deep Joy$2.00miniature
Ellwood, RobertFinding Deep Joy$10.00
Ellwood, RobertFinding the Quiet Mind$5.00
Ellwood, RobertThe Cross and the Grail: esoteric Christianity for the 21st century$3.00
Ellwood, RobertTheosophy: A modern expression of the wisdom of the ages$6.00
Ervast, PekkaThe Divine Seed: The Esoteric Teachings of Jesus$10.00$8.50 - older
Fagg, Lawrence W.Two Faces of Time$4.00
Feuerstein, GeorgeIntroduction to the Bhagavad Gita$4.00
Feuerstein, Kak, & FrawleyIn Search of the Cradle of Civilization$10.00
Feurstein & FeursteinVoices on the Threshold of Tomorrow$5.00
Foureagles, RussellThe Making of a Healer: teachings of my Oneida grandmother$11.00
Frager, Robert, Ph.D.Heart, Self and Soul$11.00
Freeman, James DilletWhat God is Like$3.00
Freesoul, John RedtailBreath of the Invisible$7.00
Ganim, B. & Fox, S.Visual Journaling$15.00
Genelli, L. & T. DavisDeath at the Movies: Holywood's Guide to the Hereafter$10.00
Gladwell, Malcomblink: the power of thinking without thinking$16.00
Goldsmith, Joel S.The Contemplative Life$12.00
Goldsmith, Joel S.The Infinite Way$9.00
Goldsmith, Joel S.Living the Infinite Way$12.00
Goswami, Amit, Ph.D.The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment$12.50
Gowins, PhillipPractical Sufism$10.00
Grabhorn, LynnExcuse Me, Your Life is Waiting$3.00
Grosso, MichaelMillenium Myth: Love & Death at the End of Time$8.00
Groswami, Amit, Ph.D.The Visionary Window$14.00
Hampton, CharlesThe Transition Called Death: a recurring experience$3.00
Harvey and HanutPerfume of the Desert$10.00$8.75 - older
Harvey, A. & Matousek, M.Dialogues with a Modern Mystic$8.00
Hay, Louise L.Empowering Women$5.00
Heinberg, RichardCelebrate the Solstice$10.00$6.00 - older
Heinberg, RichardCloning the Buddha: the moral impact of biotechnology$10.00
Higley, C. & A., Leatham, P. Aromatherapy from A-Z$10.75
Hill, ChristopherHolidays and Holy Nights: Clelebrating Twelve Seasonal Festivals of the Christian Year$14.00
Hill, John L.The Enlightened Society$4.00
Hixon, LexThe Heart of the Qur'an$11.00$10.00 - older
Hodge, StephenZen Master Class$12.00
Hoeller, Stephan A.Gnosticism:A New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing$9.50
Hoeller, Stephan A.The Fool's Pilgrimage: Kabbalistic Meditations on the Tarot$10.00
Hoeller, Stephan A.The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead$10.00
Hoeller, Stephan A.Freedom: Alchemy for a Voluntary Society$8.00
Houston, JeanPublic Like a Frog: Entering the Lives of Three Great Americans$8.00
Houston, JeanThe Hero and the Goddess$13.00
Howe, Jr., QuincyReincarnation for the Christian$3.00
Howell, Alice O. The Dove in the Stone$8.00
Howell, Alice O. The Heavens Declare: Astrological Ages & the Evolution of Consciousness$11.00
Howes, E.B. & Moon, S.The Choice Maker$4.00$3.00 - older
Humphreys, ChristmasStudies in the Midle Way$1.50
Ireland, MarkSoul Shift$14.00
Jarow, RickIn Search of the Sacred$4.00
Jensen, LinUncovering the Wisdom of the Heartmind$7.00
Johnson, DwightSpirals of Growth$3.00
Johnston, Margaret PlacentraFaith Beyond Belief$10.50
Jones, David E.Visions of Time: Experiments in Psychic Archeology$4.00
Kafatos, M. & T.Looking In Seing Out: Consciousness & Cosmos$7.00
Karagulla, S. , M.D. & van Gelder Kunz, DoraThe Chakras & the Human Energy Fields$12.50
Kenney, JimThriving in the Crosscurrent: Clarity & Hope in a Time of Cultural Sea Change$10.00
King, Serge KahiliChanging Reality$9.50
King, Serge KahiliHappy Me, Happy You: The Huna Way to Healthy Relationships$10.00
King, Serge KahiliKahuna Healing$10.00
Koerner, D. & LeVay, S.Here Be Dragons: The Scientific Quest for Extraterrestrial Life$14.35
Kornfield, J. & Breiter, P.A Still Forest Pond: The Insight Meditation of Achaan Chan$3.00
Krieger, Dolores, Ph. D., R.N.Living the Therapeutic Touch: healing as a lifestyle$12.00
Kulkarni, V.G., Ph. D.The Bhagavad Gita$12.00
Lachman, GaryIn Search of P.D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff$14.00
Lake, Medicine GrizzlybearNative Healer: Initiation into an Ancient Art$9.00
Larsen, StephenThe Fundamentalist Mind: How Polarized Thinking Imperils Us All$14.00
Layton, E. and F.Life: Your Great Adventure$3.00
Leadbeater, C.W.Saved by a Ghost: True Tales of the Occult$3.00
Leadbeater, C.W.The Chakras$10.00
Leadbeater, C.W.Man: Visible & Invisible$9.00
Lemkow, Anna F.The Wholeness Principle: Dynamics of Unity within Science, Religion & Society$8.00
Levine, NormaA Yearbook of Buddhist Wisdom$3.00
Lewis, DennisBreathe into Being$9.50
Lingerman, Hal A.Life Streams: Journeys into Meditation & Music$5.00
Lyons, TimAstrology Beyond Ego$3.00
MacGregor, CynthiaCreative Family Projects, Games & Activities$4.00
MacGregor, GeddesThe Christening of Karma: The Secret of Evolution$4.00
MacGregor, GeddesThe Gospels as a Mandala of Wisdom$4.00
MacGregor, GeddesGnosis: A Renaissance in Christian Thought$3.00
Mansfield, VictorHead and Heart: A personal Exploration of Science and the Sacred$11.00
Marsh, MichaelA Matter of Personal Survival: Life After Death$4.00
Masters, R. & Houston, J.Mind Games: The Guide to Inner Space$9.00
Matthiessen, PeterCourage for the Earth: a celebration of the life and writings of Rachel Carson$8.00
Mauro, ColleenSpiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul$10.00
McArthur, TomBeyond Logic and Mysticism$5.00
Micucci, DanaSojourns of the Soul$12.00
Mikulas, William L.The Way Beyond: An Overview of Spiritual Practices$4.00
Mills, JoyThe One True Adventure: Theosophy and the Quest for Meaning$20.00
Mills, JoyReflections on an Ageless Wisdom$25.00
Mills, JoyEntering on the Sacred Way$5.00
Mindell, Arnold, Ph.D.Process Mind: A User's Guide to Connecting with the Mind of God$12.00
Montello, LouiseEssential Musical Intelligence$12.00
Moody, David EdmundThe Conditioned Mind$14.00
Mumford, Dr. JohnDeath: Beginning or End$8.00
Murphet, HowardYankee Beacon of Buddhist light: Life of Col. Henry S. Olcott$5.00
Murray, M., Pizzorno, J.The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods$25.00
Nicholson, S. & Rosen, B.Gaia's Hidden Life: The Unseen Intelligence of Nature$8.00
Nicholson, ShirleyShamanism$5.00
Noh, Jae JahDo You See What I See: a message from a mystic$3.00
Novick, Rabbi LeahOn the Wings of Shekhinah: Rediscovering Judaism'a Divine Feminine$16.00
Osborn, Arthur W.The Cosmic Womb$3.00
Padma, Ji HyangLiving the Season: Zen Practice for Transformative Times$9.00
Payne, P.D. & Bendit, L.J.this world and that: An Analytical Study of Psychic Communication$1.25
Pelgrin, MarkAnd a Time to Die$3.00
Phillips, IanMarry Your Muse$11.00
Phillips, JanFinding the On-Ramp to Your Spiritual Path$9.00
Pillarzyk, Tom, Ph.D.Yoga Beyond Fitness$14.00
Pisareva, Elena FedorovnaThe Light of the Russian Soul$11.00
Plummer, L. GordonFrom Atoms to Kosmos$3.00
Poncé, CharlesKabbalah: an introduction & illumination for the world today$8.00
Ponder, CatherineThe Prospering Power of Love$3.00
Puligandla, Ramakrishnaan encounter with Awareness$3.00
Quest BooksInspirations from Ancient Wisdom$8.00H. P. Blavatsky, M. Collins, J, Krishnamurti
Quest BooksFragments: From the World of C. Jinarajadasa$2.00compiled by Elithe Nisewanger, miniature
Quest BooksInvisible Worlds: Annie Besant on Psychic and Spiritual Development$17.00essays compiled by Kurt Leland
Quest BooksThe Sage from Concord: The Essence of Waldo Emerson$3.00miniature
Quest BooksThe Silent Encounter: reflections on mysticism$2.00edited by Virginia Hanson
Quest BooksZen & Hasidism$4.00compiled by Harold Heifetz
Redfield, JamesThe Celestine Vision$6.00
Regier, Kathleen J.The Spiritual Image in Modern Art$6.00
Robertson, RobinBeginner's Guide to Jungian Psychology$13.45
Rosemergy, JimThe Gathering: A 40 Day Guide to the Power of Group and Personal Prayer$5.00
Rubin, PeggyTo Be and How to Be$10.00
Rudhyar, DaneBeyond Individualism: The Psychology of Transformation$4.00
Rudhyar, DaneThe Lunation Cycle$9.00
Santos, DanielFeng Shui for the Body$10.00
Schwartz, RobertYour Soul's Plan$15.00
Scott-Elliot, W.Legends of Atlantis and Lost Lemuria$11.00
Scott, MaryA Renaissance of the Spirit$5.00
Sellon, Emily B.The Pilgrim and the Pilgrimage$4.00$3.50 - older
Singh, RenukaMany Ways to Nirvana: His Holiness The Dali Lama$8.00
Smith, Andrew PhillipA Dictionary of Gnosticism$12.00
Smith, E. LesterInner Adventures: Thought, Intuition & Beyond$3.00
Smith, E. LesterIntelligence Came First: Life & Mind in the Field of Cosmic Consciousness$4.00
Smith, HustonBeyond the Post-Modern Mind$3.00
Smith, IngramTruth is a Pathless Land: A Jouney with Krishnamurti$4.00
Standen, RodneyThe Changing Face of the Hero$4.00
Starbird, MargaretThe Femine Face of Humanity$12.00
Steinkin, David, M.D.putting the Giants to sleep$5.00
Stephen, Drake BearSoul Sex: The Alchemy of Gender & Sexuality$10.00
Stratford, JordanA Dictionary of Western Alchemy$13.00
Sutphen, Dick & TaraSoul Agreements$15.00
Taylor, AlfredA Human Heritage$3.00$2.00 - older
The Dalai Lama & V. ChanThe Wisdom of Forgiveness$14.00
The Dalai Lama Tenzin GyatsoThe Opening of the Wisdom-Eye$8.00
Thurston, MarkDiscovering Your Soul's Purpose$10.00
Tick, Edward T., Ph.D.The Practice of Dream Healing$11.00
Toy, Atala DorothyNature Spirits, Spirit Guides and Ghosts$11.00
Vedro, StevenDigital Dharma$11.00
Walsch, Neal DonaldLittle Book of Life: A User's Manual$15.25used
Wehr, Janet, RNPeaceful Passages$10.00
Weinstein, Lawrence A.Grammar for the Soul$10.00
Westwood, C. & Moffatt, K.Faith, Hope, Love$3.00
Wilber, KenThe Atman Project$3.00
Wilber, KenThe Spectrum of Consciousness$5.00
Wilber, KenUp from Eden$11.00
Williams-Heller, AnnKabbalah: your path to inner freedom$11.00
Winfree, DavidThe Evolution of the Human Energy Field and Humanity's Ultimate Destiny$25.00based on the clairvoyant insights & teachings of Cristo L. Bowers
Woll, AlfredLighting the Lamp: An Approach to the Tibetan Path$8.00
Wood, ErnestConcentration: An Approach to Meditation$3.00
Wood, Ernest E.The Glorious Presence$1.50used
Wosmek, FrancesAcknowledge the Wonder: Harmony with the Natural$4.00
Yang, PurpleSpiritual Anatomy$20.00
Znamenski, AndreiRed Shambkala: magic, prophecy, and geopolitics in the heart of Asia$12.00