Giving & Support

Support: Donations & Legacy

As we are a non-profit foundation, we welcome all forms of donations in support of Besant Branch, its current and future activities, its good works, and its viability in the Cleveland area.  Those who wish to donate can do so via cash or via legacy, which is a designation in a will.  Simple cash donations can be sent to Besant Branch.  For consultation regarding legacy donations, please contact us.

All donations support a variety of ongoing activities of Besant Branch, including:

  • Helping Hands with Sky and SunsetPrograms
  • Classes
  • Library
  • Bookstore
  • Target Prayer Line:  available 24/7 at
  • Theosophical Order of Service
  • Donations to charities that operate consistently with Theosophical ideals, focusing on those that are lesser known and less well-funded


Charitable Giving

Besant Branch gives annually to the following non-profit organizations in the Cleveland area, in keeping with Annie Besant’s call to service toward humanitarian causes.  We also support The Theosophical Society in America, our national organization.

  • Cleveland Food Bank, Inc.
  • Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
  • Domestic Violence Center, Cleveland
  • Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland
  • Parma Animal Shelter
  • Providence House
  • Salvation Army Division Headquarters
  • The City Mission
  • Valley Save-A-Pet
  • WVIZ/PBS IdeaStream

*The Besant Branch TOS Community Service Project is Currently Inactive*

Theosophical Order of Service

The Theosophical Order of Service (TOS) was founded by Annie Besant in 1908, who as international president of the Theosophical Society (TS) was an ardent social activist. The TOS provides a framework in which people can engage in practical, creative, and humanitarian activities promoting the First Object: To form a nucleus of a universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color.

Focus on Personal Altruism and Service

Although Besant Branch as a whole is actively involved in local TOS projects, and donates to TOS at national headquarters, it is important to understand that TOS promotes Annie Besant’s vision that members design their own individual projects to work privately and discreetly behind the scenes. This conforms to the example of the Masters and great adepts throughout the ages who do not let their identities be known, and work incognito, doing large and small deeds in government, science, the arts, and wherever they can, to benefit humankind all over the world. Personal service, without recognition or reward, is a principal objective of Theosophists, and the main goal of TOS.

The TOS works locally and internationally in such areas as:            TOS

  • education
  • social welfare & justice
  • healing
  • peace
  • the environment
  • emergency relief
  • animal concerns
  • art & music

Anyone can join these TOS service projects. Please contact us if you are interested.